Submerged Arc Furnace Principle

submerged arc furnace principle

Submerged arc furnace principle are based on the use of an electric arc submerged in a bed of granular solid material.

Submerged arc furnaces are mainly used to produce ferroalloys, silicon and other metals. It works by converting electrical energy into heat through electrical resistance. The furnace consists of a vessel lined with refractory material, electrode columns and a bed of conductive material.


Submerged Arc Furnace Principle

The SAF smelting process starts with loading raw materials (usually a mixture of ore, reducing agent and flux) into a furnace. An electrode column is then inserted through which the current passes, creating a strong arc. When the arc is immersed within the material, a lot of heat is generated due to electrical resistance. This heat causes the raw materials to melt, resulting in the desired product.

One of the main advantages of submerged arc furnaces is their ability to perform continuous production.

The material is continuously fed into the furnace, and the molten product is continuously tapped. This ensures stable output and high productivity, making it an efficient industrial process.

The submerged arc furnace can also precisely control the reaction temperature and chemical composition.

By adjusting electrical parameters such as voltage and current, the temperature can be precisely adjusted to produce alloys with specific properties. In addition, furnaces can be operated under a controlled atmosphere, enabling the removal of impurities and the addition of desired elements.

Another significant advantage of submerged arc furnaces is their energy efficiency. Electricity is converted directly to heat, minimizing energy loss. In addition, the heat generated in the process can be recovered and used for other purposes, further increasing energy efficiency.

However, submerged arc furnaces also have their limitations. The process is not suitable for all types of raw materials, as some may react unfavorably at high temperatures and produce excessive impurities.

Additionally, furnaces require regular maintenance due to the corrosive nature of the molten material.

In short, the submerged arc furnace principl is to use submerged arc to produce various metals and alloys.

The process enables continuous production, precise control of temperature and composition, and high energy efficiency. Despite its possible limitations, it remains an important industrial method for producing ferroalloys and other metal products.

If you have any questions or needs, please feel free to contact us to discuss together.

No matter what kind of submerged arc furnaces, induction furnaces, EAF, SAF, LF, etc., Hani Metallurgy will provide suitable, professional, efficient and low energy consumption melting furnaces to every customer according to specific raw materials and smelting requirements.